Are you looking for a compliance management system that can support you with fire safety? The housing sector is facing increasing regulatory reform with the Hackitt Review, Building Safety Bill, and Fire Safety Bill all being published in recent months. We’ve developed Fire Door to support housing providers across the UK with their fire compliance efforts.
Our Fire Door product gives housing associations and landlords total transparency on their fire door stock with real-time, standardised data capture on door inspections, installations, and repairs. This impartial compliance data provides improved fire door risk management, detailed asset condition reporting, and much more, read on to find out how it all works.
Set up your inspection plan
Install the Tag
Installing a Tag assigns a unique ID to your property and enables your inspector to effectively capture the time, date and location of the fire door inspection, installation or repair.
Once at the property, your inspector taps their smartphone against the X Tag to sign in begin carrying out their work.
Record inspection and ensure best practice
We've worked closely with housing and fire safety professionals to develop a best practice method for fire door inspections, installations, and repairs.
Your inspector uses our app to record important information around your fire door stock and is prompted to follow the best practice process. This ensures that you receive high-quality data and stock information from every inspection.
Report on compliance and stock condition
A wealth of accurate data surrounding your fire door stock is available for you to report on. This can be used to measure performance, analyse trends and ensure your compliance.
The Fire Door Portal can also provide the duty holder with reporting evidence of efforts to reduce and manage the risk of fire associated with individual fire door stock.
Key Features
Here are just some of the key features of Fire Door.